Summer’s here and the time is right…



One more morning to get up for work, and then two glorious weeks of summer holidays.


This year, Team Sparkly isn’t going far. A few days away, visiting a theme park for spills and thrills, and the rest of the time spent pottering about, doing whatever we feel like.

I hope the sun shines for everyone. Perhaps you’re going abroad, or heading off on a ‘staycation’ yourself.

Whatever you do, have a wonderful time – from the minute you start packing, until the moment you come home.

Oh, and speaking of packing, if you’re off to sunnier climes, I hope you’ve seen the meme that’s at the top of this post.

I absolutely love it. It’s so true.

Holidays are for relaxing and winding down, not for stressing out about what you look like in your summer clothes.

Your loved ones won’t remember what you looked like in your bikini, but they will remember all the happy memories you made building sandcastles and collecting shells.

Don’t waste your precious holidays worrying about your body. Get out there and use it for all the fun stuff it’s capable of!

Have a wonderful summer.

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