‘The only person I really believe in is me.’ Debbie Harry.

When I was very little, my hair was very fair. On holidays abroad, it got me lots of attention. ”Ah, biondi bambina!” the Italian waiters would say as they patted my head. 

I freakin’ love a bit of attention. Don’t know if you’ve noticed. 

Over the years, my white blonde turned to what you might say was ash blonde. Mousy. Non-descript. 

At 17 I couldn’t take it anymore. I’m a blonde, I tell you! A blonde! They have more fun! I AM FUN! 

So I got some highlights. And so began 20 years (and counting) of fannying about with my hair colour.

At 22 I dyed it a horrid yellow and tried to wash it out with fairy liquid. At 25 I went brunette (I can confirm blondes don’t necessarily have more fun). I have been every shade and permutation in between. 

A few years ago I tried to grow all my colour out and accept what Mother Nature gave me. I caved after six months and started the journey to full-on bleach blonde.  

This journey co-incided with some pretty big changes elsewhere in my life. I lost weight and got fit. I changed careers. I started to get to know myself properly. I felt alive. I wanted to stand out. I wanted to look like Debbie Harry. 

Who doesn’t want to look like Debbie Harry?

The thing is though, I’m not her. And although it was fun to give it a go for a year or so, I think it’s time to take the wise advice of my 17-year-old niece:

‘Just do you fam.’

I couldn’t resist giving it my best shot to be Debbie just before I do, though. 

(My favourite photo of Debbie, taken on a Polaroid by Andy Warhol.)

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