15 De-cluttering Tips

imageBoy, do I love decluttering. So much so that I feel a bit jealous whenever a friend tells me they’re having a clear-out. Nothing compares with the light feeling you get as you throw another bag in the bin, or drop off some boxes at the charity shop.

This week a friend of mine is moving house and she’s posting lots of photos and updates on social media of her decluttering successes.

She was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling all the scary places in her flat but, judging from the photos, she’s doing a fabulous job.

Moving house is a great time to have a thorough clear-out, but you don’t need to wait for that, you can de-clutter something small right now. Starting small is a great way to chalk up a win, which will motivate you to  tackle the scary places in your home.

Here are 15 tips if you need a little inspiration:

1. Pick something you know you can finish in the time you’ve got, that way you won’t feel discouraged.

2. Set a timer if you think that will help you stay focused.

3. Three boxes and a bag. Remember? Keep, Maybe, Give Away, Trash.

4. Keep a notebook and pen to jot down anything that comes to you as you sort – any items that need replaced, or storage you might need when you’re done.

5. Store like with like. All craft supplies in one place, all cards/presents/wrap together, for example.

6. Got three of something? Keep the best, get rid of the rest?

7. Got lots of clothes you don’t want? Consider a clothes swap party with friends, but only if you promise yourself you won’t full your wardrobe up again!

8. If you have a collection of things you really love, but is hiding away, get it out on display. Showcase the things you love.

9. Have a box for mail/school notes/invitations where piles of paper usually end up in your home. It’ll look neater and you can move it to wherever is easiest to attend to paperwork.

10. Similarly, keep a box or tray for your keys and purse. You put your toothbrush away every time you use it, do the same for your keys.

11. Keep a box or bag somewhere near your front door for things that need to be returned that you’ve borrowed or people have left. You can put letters that need posting in it, or clothes that need taken back to the shop. Check it every time you leave the house.

12. Start a present box or drawer and use it to store things you’ve bought in the sales.

13. Keep a box somewhere for charity. When the kids grow out of something, or you realise you no longer like those shoes, stick them straight in the box and take it to your car when it’s full. Then straight to charity.

14. Celebrate your achievements. Even the little ones.

15. Keep doing it. With decluttering, you’re never done. But it does get easier.